
Stay one step ahead
in your career with a dynamic
and agile working environment


We use different recruitment tools to ensure the right match for ODAŞ to contribute to the organization and to accurately assess the qualifications, skills and expertise of candidates. In this regard, one of our most important goals in the recruitment process is to ensure that each candidate has a positive experience.

With the awareness that "human resources" is the most important force supporting our sustainable success, we continue to design all our practices, starting with the recruitment process, in a way to reveal the potential of our employees and support their career development.


As ODAŞ, we take responsibility for ensuring that our employees work in a safe and comfortable environment. We focus on continuously improving the living and working conditions of our employees and creating opportunities for their professional and career development.

We operate promotion, transfer, assignment and rotation processes while creating career plans in line with the talents, knowledge, skills and interests of employees working at ODAŞ.


We share our company goals, priorities and corporate competencies with all our employees through the performance management system. With our performance system, which we carry out with the OKR methodology, we ensure that each employee is a partner in our success thanks to our goals, which we focus on team goals instead of individual goals, and which we handle in a transparent and flexible manner.

Since it is important not only what employees will do but also how they will do it by displaying an attitude and behavior, we evaluate our corporate competencies and ensure that they affect the final performance result.

We establish effective communication while setting, monitoring and evaluating targets. We increase the effectiveness of the performance management system with the feedback culture we have created in every field. We use performance evaluation results to provide input to many areas such as employee development plans, training needs analysis studies, promotion/rotation decisions for the company.

Learning and

We see the technical and behavioral development of all employees as a priority. Many factors such as new assignments, appointments, performance management system outputs, professional, sectoral, technological developments related to the work performed, future plans and targets of the company trigger the development needs of employees. We make learning and development plans by taking all these factors into account, in a way that the person can benefit the most. Corporate trainings include trainings planned company-wide or for specific groups. These trainings can be mandatory or organized in line with company requirements.

Individual trainings include individual development requests where employees can improve their professional expertise and competencies.

Development Programs are programs designed under different topics in order for a certain group of employees working in the ODAŞ group to reach the targeted talents and skills and to create sustainable organizational development.

and Benefits

While evaluating positions in different business lines, we benefit from the research and studies of independent consulting companies that are experts in their fields. We implement a fair and market-competitive compensation & benefits policy by using regular market analyses conducted in this direction.


One of our main goals is to create a common language based on open, effective communication with our young and dynamic employees. We provide this common language with a communication platform where everyone can express themselves comfortably through transparent sharing. In this way, the production of innovative and different ideas is accelerated and solutions that will contribute to the organization are more easily accessible.

Discover ODAŞ People