& Antimony Trioxide
Antimony is among the 22 strategically
important metal groups of the United States,
Australia and the European Union
in terms of economic importance and supply.

Antimony has many industrial uses like in green energy, high technology, electronics, in flame retardant formulations used in almost all industrial plastics, lead-acid batteries, various military applications and as a catalyst in petroleum refining in the chemical industry. Antimony is a critical resource for large capacity accumulators. Antimony trioxide, the most common Antimony compound, is considered a highly effective flame retardant and is used in products as diverse as plastics, textiles and electrical components.




Our production process is carefully designed to produce high quality antimony. Each batch undergoes stringent quality control testing and meets all the necessary standards to deliver the highest quality Antimony to our customers.


We use the most appropriate shipping methods to meet our customers' needs. By delivering our products quickly and reliably, we do our best to keep your supply chain running smoothly.


With many years of experience in antimony production, we have the know-how to offer our customers the best solutions.

Areas of use

Antimony has an important role in many industries and is used in different ways in different areas of industry.

Lead Alloy is used in the plates of liquid batteries. In Lithium-Ion batteries, the biggest competitor of liquid batteries, it is used in the positive electrodes of batteries due to its charging capacity increase and resistance to battery charge and discharge.

They are used in semiconductor diodes in chips due to their quick cooling and late heating characteristics. Since they have high thermoelectric power factors, they are suitable for thermoelectric generator construction. They are also used in thermoelectric coolers due to their high thermoelectric performance coefficient.

With its flame retardant properties, it is used in a wide range of applications such as paper, paint, engineering plastics, rubber, textiles, adhesives, pigments and ceramics. Synergizes and enhances the activity of basic flame retardants in plastics and rubber applications.

Opacifies white color, used in heat resistant paint production.

It is used as an organic adhesive to improve the adhesion of the grains to each other and to the ceramic body in the drying glaze layer.

Anti-solar glass made of antimony oxide has excellent light-transmitting properties near the infrared range of the light spectrum. It is a very important component in some solar energy systems as well as in glass used in various defense applications.

It is used in wind turbines, space vehicles, gun barrels, alloys of many metals used in the defense industry, ammunition and bullets to minimize infrared traces.

It is used to increase battery capacities and as a positive electrode. As in all other vehicles, it is used in all heat-resistant plastics, alloys in engine components, artificial leathers to create resistance to heat and combustion. It helps to stabilize the coefficient of friction in brake pad materials.

Analiz ve Paketleme

Antimuan Trioxide

Sb203 min. %99,65
Pb0 max. %00,05
As203 max. %0,20
Fe203 max. %0,07
Se03 max. 20 ppm
Nem max. %0,05

25 Kg / 250 Kg / 500 Kg Sack

Antimuan Ingot

Sb2 min. %99,65
Pb2 max. %0,050
As2 max. %0,100
Fe2 max. %0,001
Bi2 max. %0,010

10 Kg / 25 Kg Ingot