Within the scope of the share buyback program initiated with the decision of our Company's Board of Directors dated 06.12.2023; the maximum number of shares subject to buyback by our Company is TRY 75,000,000 nominal and the total amount of the fund allocated for the buyback is determined as TRY 800,000,000. The total nominal value of the shares buybacked by our Company is TRY 15,000,000 and the ratio of these shares to the capital reached 1.0714%.
Within the scope of the Announcement and Principle Decisions in the bulletin numbered 2024/37 published by the Capital Markets Board on 01.08.2024, it has been stated that the share buybacks to be realized within the scope of the board of directors until the first general assembly to be held must be fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of the relevant share buyback communiqué. Since our Company has no distributable profit for the fiscal year 2023, share buybacks are not realized in accordance with the provisions of the relevant communiqué. However, in the event that the conditions suitable for share buyback reappear in the coming period, the issue of buyback will be re-evaluated by our company's authorities.
We inform the public that the share purchases realized by the main shareholders of the Company are outside the scope of this communiqué.
In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.