The issued capital of the company is 600.000.000 TL and this issued capital was fully paid in cash free of collusion.
This capital was divided into total 600.000.000 shares, namely as 8.555.640 registered shares Group (A), 591.444.360 registered shares Group (B) each with a nominal value of 1 (one) TL.
Group (A) shares have privilege in the determination of the members of the board and in voting in the general meeting within the framework of articles 7, 8 and 10 of these Articles of Association (the Board of Directors, nomination for the Board of Directors, election of the chairman and the deputy chairman, representing the company and right to vote at the General Meeting). Group (B) shares, on the other hand, were not bestowed any special rights or privileges.
In capital increases, Group (A) shares will be issued at the rate of Group (A) shares, and Group (B) shares will be issued at the rate of Group (B) shares to represent the increased capital. In the capital increases made, in case it is decided by the board of directors to issue only group (B) shares, group (A) shares will also be given the right to receive group (B) shares at the rate of their capitals.
The Board of Directors shall be authorized to make decisions on increasing the issued capital by issuing new group (A) and/or group (B) shares up to the upper limit of the registered capital, issuing privileged shares and limiting the shareholders’ right to obtain new shares and premium share issuance whenever it deems necessary in conformity with the provisions of the Capital Market Law and the regulations of the Capital Market Board between 2018 and 2022.
The shares which represent the capital shall be recorded and monitored within the framework of the principles of dematerialization.
The authority to limit the right to obtain new shares cannot be used to cause inequality between the shareholders.
No new shares can be issued unless the issued shares are completely sold and their prices are paid.
The capital of the company can be increased or decreased when necessary in compliance with the Capital Market Law, Turkish Code of Commerce and regulations about these laws and the provisions of the other legislations and the articles of association.