Terms of Use

Users may use the information and the documents only for knowledge acquisition purposes. The existing logo, photograph and information cannot be partially or completely copied, applied, distributed, leased, reproduced, used with a sub license, modified or stored for future uses or be used for commercial purposes without the written permission of ODAŞ Enerji.

All the products and services mentioned in this website can be changed without prior notice.

The information in this web site and some documents may be outdated. The users, whoever they may be, of the information, issued by ODAŞ Enerji explicitly accept that, the direct and indirect losses or damages that my be incurred by the usage of said information does not encumber any obligations or liabilities to ODAŞ Enerji.

Erroneous or incomplete information may occur due to human errors, technical mishaps and other factors. As such,; ODAŞ Enerji is not liable for the inaccuracy or the lack of information issued by itself or obtained from other resources.